After selection FMCG sales interview


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Once your selection is done , now it is your turn to discuss about career.
First thing to check with the interviewer is the appointment condition.
Whether appointment is under mother company /marketing company or any other third party contractual firm, this is most important.
Negotiate for your fixed salary as far as possible. If you are an  experience holder you have the chance to negotiate strongly.
If they hire you with your expected salary then you will be  gainer, else nothing to lose. Remember one thing ,if you  need a good organization ,company also need a good employee.
Normally FMCG company gives 20 % to 30 % hike from your existing salary. Always remember to ask for  a hike from your fixed part of  the salary.  A hike of 30 % from your CTC  does not mean your fixed salary will be increased by 30% . They may increase your variable part ,variable pay doesn't give you guarantee for your sure earning.

If you are a management graduate, never Negotiate for TA/DA. TA/DA and other expense are not your money, these are company expense . You have to spend in the market while working and claim it to company.
If you are an experience holder the interviewer may pressurize you to join quickly, may be within one week or two week. Please don’t agree on that ,  at least you take thirty days to join . Interviewer may doubt about your loyalty. You have to inform your present employer also you may have to handover some job responsibility to your boss . You will need NOC from your existing employer, also you will be getting your full and final settlement.

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