Some common terminologies in FMCG sales.

Some common terminologies  in FMCG sales. 

1.ASM:- Area sales Manager  

2.SO:- Sales Officer    
3.ASI:- Area sales in charge                      Details analysis
4.TSI:- Territory Sales In charge
5.TSO:- Territory sales Officer
6.TSM:- Territory sales manager
7.SE:- Sales Executive
8.PSR:- Pre sales representative
9.RSA:- Ready Sales Agent.
10D.SM:- Distributor’s sales Man   

11. CE :- Customer Executive    

12. ZM:- Zonal Manager   
13. RM:- Regional Manager

14.RSM:- Regional Sales Manager
15. RCM:- Regional Commercial Manager
16. MDM:-Market Development  Manager
17. SDM:- Sales Development  Manager
18.Primary:- Sales from company to distributor or super stockiest. Or  it is the purchase of direct distributor or super stockiest.
19. Secondary:- Sale from distributor or super stockiest .
20. Tertiary:- Sales from retailer, this is the last sale.
21. PJP:- Permanent Journey Plan
21. Tour Plan:- Predefined Travel Plan.
22. Beat:-A particular location or area in a market , where the sales man (PSR/RSA/DSM) visits in particular day. There must be a minimum numbers of outlet.

23.  SKU:- Stock Keeping Unit. This means specific product from total range of that product. For example , Lays 13 Grams and Lays 25 Grams are separate SKU.   
24.QPS:- Quantity Purchase Schemes . To sell more quantity, company offers some incentive with some fixed quantity. For example 10 +1
25.Primary Scheme:- Scheme give to distributor or super stockist, while purchasing from company is called primary scheme.
26.Secondary Scheme:- Scheme given on sale from distributor or super stockiest is called secondary scheme. Basically this is trade scheme given to retailer or wholesaler .
27. TC:- Total call. Number of outlet visited by sales person is called total call. Suppose a sales person visit 35 outlet in a day then his TC is35.

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28.PC:- Productive Call. Number of outlet billed  is the productive call. Suppose a sales person takes order from  or bills 25 outlet, then his PC is 25.Forroward sales :- Billed but not delivered. Some times we bill the order on last day of a month and delivered on next month. 

 29. Trade price :- Trade price is the price at which retailer purchase. Suppose if retailer margin is 10%  on a Rs10 MRP then PTR will be 9.09. Formula is MRP/1.10.   
30.PTR :- Price to retailer , is same as trade price.
31. Closing :- Last day of a billing cycle , it may be weekly closing, monthly closing, quarterly closing, half yearly closing and yearly closing.  

                                                 Detail analysis


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